Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals is now closed.
Confirmation of accepted proposals will be sent by February 1, 2021.

Rubric for 60-Minute and 20-Minute Sessions

Criteria Poor Moderate  Excellent
1 2 3 4 5
Relevance: Addresses ideas, topics, or practices that are highly relevant and significant to teaching and learning at the university level.
Evidence: Cites previous scholarly work and integrates theory and/or quantitative or qualitative assessment data. The presentation does not rest on the presenter’s experience.
Action: Offers content applicable to a variety of disciplines and campus sizes by sharing innovative and creative thinking. Proposal covers new ground or is a significant advancement or application of well-documented practice.
Appropriate: The session proposal is likely to accomplish the stated outcomes. It is appropriate for the track selected by the presenter.
Presentation: The session is engaging and interactive. It includes the thoughtful use of active learning and engagement activities synergistic with the proposed content and session goals.

Rubric for 90-Minute Poster Session

Criteria Poor   Moderate   Excellent
1 2 3 4 5
Is the topic appropriate for this conference?
Audience: Is the topic relevant to a broad range of disciplines, students and/or institutional settings?
Overall Proposal Quality: Writing, organization, originality.