Category: Lesson Design and Preparation
Backward Design: Aligning Outcomes to Activities and Assessments
The best classes start with the end in mind. What will students learn or be able to do by the end of your class?
Learning Assessment Techniques: How to Integrate New Activities that Gauge What and How Well Students Learn
This program helps you utilize techniques that will help improve your teaching and your students’ ability to learn more effectively.
How Do I Create a Climate for Learning in My Classroom?
Keeping the classroom climate positive is the responsibility of both sides. Learn valuable concepts you can put to work right away in every class.
How Can I Leverage Force Multipliers in the Classroom?
Get help with all the things that matter to you: grading, teaching, interacting with students, and kindling students interest in learning.
How Do I Align Learning Objectives with Technology Using Backward Design?
Learn how to peel back the layers of your teaching challenges and work backwards from your learning objectives to your choice of technology solutions.
How Can I Design Critical Thinking into My Course?
This program identifies both general and discipline-specific critical thinking skills and how to turn these skills into good student learning outcomes.