Increasing Student Engagement, Persistence, and Success Online Using Emotion Science

This online seminar presents practical strategies for putting the power of emotions to work in online classes to help capture and hold students’ attention.


What are the learning goals?

Upon completion of this seminar, you’ll be able to:

  • Discuss the main principles of emotion science
  • Identify ways in which emotions can positively impact student engagement and learning
  • Describe findings from the research on neuroscience and the Community of Inquiry framework
  • Apply practical strategies based in emotion science to increase online student engagement, persistence, and success

Why you don’t want to miss this!

Unfortunately, online classes have a reputation for being dry, boring, and unengaging. Both teachers and students struggle to create and participate in highly interactive online learning experiences, which in turn negatively impacts engagement and motivation to persevere for all involved. Emotion science offers a powerful tool to address this challenge.

This online seminar will examine the research on how emotion and cognition are linked and how emotions impact our online teaching and learning experiences, based on the Community of Inquiry framework. You’ll also explore ways in which emotions are powerfully interrelated to cognitive processes such as attention, motivation, and memory. These insights, along with the strategies involved, will better allow you to increase online student engagement, learning, persistence, and success in your classroom.

What’s included?

Your seminar registration includes the following:

  • On-demand access
  • Downloadable PowerPoint presentations from the speaker
  • Written transcript
  • Supplemental materials
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee

There is no limit to how many times the seminar is accessed while available on-demand.

Additional Detail

This online seminar provides a solution for common online teaching issues, such as dissatisfaction and lack of motivation and engagement, through the effective implementation of emotion science. You’ll learn how to put emotions to work to improve your teaching and your students’ learning experience in online classes. Topics covered include: Recent neuroscience findings on emotion and cognition, how emotions help people focus and learn, and emotional presence as part of the Community of Inquiry framework.

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Product Code: QC20AA

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