How Can I Design Critical Thinking into My Course?

This program identifies both general and discipline-specific critical thinking skills and how to turn these skills into good student learning outcomes.


How Can I Design Critical Thinking into My Course?

How can you incorporate critical thinking into your class design?

Critical thinking is an often misunderstood cognitive skill. Teachers might think they are teaching it when, in fact, they are not. The prevailing literature, which is fragmented and abstract, exacerbates the issue and can fail to explain how to apply and integrate critical thinking into a class.

How Can I Design Critical Thinking into My Course? helps teachers define critical thinking when designing or redesigning classes, and identifies the type of content conducive to practicing critical thinking. This 20-Minute Mentor presents both general critical thinking skills and discipline-specific student learning outcomes.

Learning Goals

The presenter presents this video and gives questions for you to answer to help incorporate critical thinking into your class design.

After watching the 20-Minute Mentor, you will be able to:

  • Explain what critical thinking is (and is not)
  • Identify the class content suitable for teaching critical thinking
  • Write assessable critical thinking student learning outcomes that are compatible with and make sense in your discipline
  • Integrate critical thinking into the design of your new or existing classes

Topics Covered

How Can I Design Critical Thinking into My Course? examines how critical thinking can be incorporated into a wide variety of disciplines. Learn to assess what content lends itself to critical-thinking-based learning outcomes and how to use practical tools for building or rebuilding your courses to achieve those outcomes.

The presenter presents a brief overview of the differing critical thinking perspectives and the common threads among them. Through this 20-Minute Mentor, you will learn to:

  • Resist getting confused or discouraged by the different critical thinking frameworks in the literature
  • Trust in and proceed from the points of overlap/agreement among the different frameworks
  • Identify class content that makes claims that may or may not be valid, complete, or the best possible; this content is most suitable for teaching critical thinking
  • Follow the best practices for formulating good (assessable) student learning outcomes in writing critical thinking outcomes
  • Adapt the discipline-relevant outcomes provided to your own classes


Gain confidence when approaching class design with a critical thinking focus using provided materials. This Magna 20-Minute Mentor provides a clearer and deeper understanding of critical thinking and how to apply it to your classes.

Product Code: PM15JA

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