How Can I Encourage Students to Stay Connected with Course Content After Class?

Learn techniques you can use to deepen student understanding of course material—after class is over—that you presented in the classroom.


How Can I Encourage Students to Stay Connected with Course Content After Class?

Rehearsal and reflection are two scientifically proven techniques that affect student brain activity and extend the classroom experience. Learn techniques you can use to deepen student understanding of class material-after class is over-that you presented in the classroom. These techniques include creating reflection videos and cartoon making, among others.

How Can I Encourage Students to Stay Connected with Course Content After Class? is a 20-Minute Mentor program presented by Tom Saleska, PhD and Sarah Lovern, PhD. In this 20-minute session, learn how to engage your students outside of the classroom by getting them to think more deeply and take topics from the classroom to the next level.

Learning Goals

After this program, participants will be able to:

  • Learn to use patterns and emotions in student retention of information
  • Discover techniques you can use to deepen student understanding
  • Apply brain-friendly techniques your students can use once they look at the material outside the classroom
  • Apply active learning to your favorite content

Topics Covered

  • Techniques for initiating brain change after class
  • Emotion and engagement
  • Rehearsal and reflection
  • Setting expectations that improve student learning

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