How Can I Maximize the First 10 Minutes of Remote Teaching to Spark Student Engagement?

This 20-Minute Mentor gives practical ideas for engaging students immediately with games, activities, or polls.


How Can I Maximize the First 10 Minutes of Remote Teaching to Spark Student Engagement?

The first 10 minutes of remote synchronous classes are crucial in setting the stage for engaging, effective sessions. In an online environment where distractions loom even larger than they do in person, bringing the initial moments of online classes to life requires planning, flexibility, and enthusiasm.

This 20-Minute Mentor provides a road map for developing creative openers that have the potential to surprise and delight students, generate intellectual sparks, and build teaching momentum for deep learning. Participants will come away from the program better prepared to engage students at the beginning of remote class sessions. Additionally, they will build a toolkit of creative approaches for starting remote classes and an understanding of how to implement these practices.

Learning Goals

After viewing this Magna 20-Minute Mentor, participants will be able to:

  • Use a variety of engaging opening activities to start remote class with strong learning momentum
  • Practice, adjust and assess remote openers to increase their efficacy
  • Develop and organize original remote openers and ensure they are inclusive and welcoming

Topics Covered

  • Characteristics of great openers for remote teaching sessions
  • How to develop and organize a ready repertoire of engaging remote class openers
  • Quick activities that work well for remote class openers
  • Polls that work well as remote class openers
  • How to assess the efficacy of your remote class openers
  • How to transition effectively from an engaging remote class opener to the next section of a remote class

Product Code: QM20HA

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